Our Mission

Improving the lives of under-resourced adults through better oral health.

About Us

As a result of unemployment, lack of insurance, challenges related to transportation, and level of education, lower-income adults rarely, if ever, visit a dentist. This leads to a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and other systemic problems, which are increasingly being linked to poor oral health. Lower-income adults also lose considerably more teeth over time than higher-income adults. By the age of 65, about 40% of adults in households with an annual income of less than $15,000 have lost all their natural teeth. 

At Wake Smiles, we are focused on serving the thousands of uninsured adults in Wake County who have little to no access to quality dental care. We provide access to comprehensive care, with the goal of preventing and curing debilitating dental disease — giving dignity to the most under-resourced people in our community.

We were founded in 2001 by compassionate dentists who saw the need to bridge the divide that under-resourced adults experience when trying to access care. From our inception, our core services have been provided by volunteer dental professionals with a passion for giving back to their local community.

Wake Smiles is the only dental clinic in Wake County that is solely focused on serving uninsured adults who are living 250% under the federal poverty guidelines.

Our Values


We approach every person with care and concern regarding their current health status.


We are inclusive and treat every person that walks through our doors with common respect, value, and humanity.


We believe that every encounter with partners in care, donors, and volunteers is something to be celebrated.


We work with local community organizations to ensure holistic care for the people we serve.


We provide the highest quality of service to partners in care.